Thursday, November 12, 2015

Minutes of the September 1, 2015 Board Meeting





September 1, 2015


The Board of Directors of the Ironhouse Sanitary District (ISD) met in regular session on Tuesday, September 1, 2015, in the Board meeting room at ISD’s offices at 450 Walnut Meadows Drive, Oakley, California.

At 6:05 p.m., Director Chris Lauritzen joined the meeting via phone from Palau Pacific Resort in Koror, Republic of Palai.  He is located in room 711.  Location is 7̊ north of the equator and 134 ̊ east.


1.       Call to Order

President David Contreras called the meeting to order at 6:06 pm.

Bob Henn led the pledge of allegiance.

Present were Directors: Contreras, Morgan, Painter and Scheer.  Director Lauritzen by phone, General Manager Chad Davisson and General Counsel Bob Henn.

At 6:07 p.m. the meeting was adjourned to closed session for Item 2A on the agenda.

2.       Closed Session

          A.       Conference with Legal Counsel – Anticipated Litigation

Initiation of litigation pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (d) of

Section 54956.9: (1 case)

At 6:28 p.m. Bob Henn excused himself from Closed Session.


            B.        Closed Session Pursuant to Government Code Section 54947:

                    Public Employee Performance Evaluation

Title: General Manager

At 7:10 p.m. The Board took a short recess.


At 7:12 p.m. The Board met in open session.


3.       Report of Actions (if any) Taken in Closed Sessions

President Contreras reported that no action was taken in Closed Session.


          Roll Call

            Directors present:                   David Contreras, C. Lauritzen (via speaker phone), S. Morgan, Michael Painter and Doug Scheer

            Members absent:                    None


            Present:                                   Chad Davisson, General Manager

                                                            Susan Walde, District Secretary

                                                            Bob Henn, District Counsel

                                                            Michael Welty, Financial Officer

                                                            Dave Dal Porto, Ranch/Levee/Reclamation Superintendent

                                                Leon Laucirica, Maintenance Worker II

                                                James Moore, Lead Maintenance Worker

                                                Roni Gehlke, Outreach Consultant

            Interested Parties:                   Doug Hardcastle, Mayor City of Oakley

                                                            Vanessa Perry, Councilwoman


4.       APPROVAL OF AGENDA                                                         

Mr. Davisson reported that he would like item 9B to be moved ahead of item 9A on the agenda.  M/S S. Morgan, D. Scheer, and the Board voted unanimously to approve the agenda as amended. 

In favor: D. Contreras, C. Lauritzen, S. Morgan, M. Painter and D. Scheer.  Opposed: None.  Absent none.


5.       Staff Acknowledgements

          Employee Service Awards – Leon Laucirica    Ten-Year Service Award

                                                      Jim Moore                    Ten-Year Service Award

President Contreras thanked Mr. Laucirica and Mr. Moore for the service to the District and congratulated them on their 10-year anniversary.


Staff acknowledgement of work and contributions for the 70th Anniversary Event.

President Contreras thanked all staff and Board for their hard work and efforts to make the District’s 70th anniversary event a success.


6.         APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES of the August 4, 2015 Regular Meeting of the Board.                        

M/S S. Morgan, D. Scheer and the Board voted to approve the minutes of the August 4, 2015 Regular Meeting of the Board. 

In favor: D. Contreras, C. Lauritzen, S. Morgan, M. Painter and D. Scheer.  Opposed: None.  Absent none.


7.       PUBLIC COMMENTS.  Communications from the public on subjects not on the agenda. 

City of Oakley Mayor, Doug Hardcastle wanted to acknowledge the addition of Ms. Walde to the administrative team he acknowledged at the 70th anniversary event.  Mr. Hardcastle presented President Contreras with a proclamation from the City recognizing Ironhouse for its 70th anniversary.

Ms. Vanessa Perry stated a job well done on the special event.




         8A.     Approval of Payment Order, Report on Financial Position & Operating Performance.


          8B.      Grant of Easement from Brookfield Emerson Land LLC (Res. 15-06).


8C.     Quitclaim Deed from East contra Costa Irrigation District (Res. 15-07).


8D.     Grant of Easement from Oakley Development, Inc. (Res. 15-08).


M/S D. Scheer, D. Contreras and the Board voted to approve the Consent Calendar. 

In favor: D. Contreras, C. Lauritzen, S. Morgan, M. Painter and D. Scheer.  Opposed: None.  Absent: None.


9.       BUSINESS BEFORE THE BOARD                                             



Mr. Chad Davisson stated that this item is to appoint three trustees to act on behalf of the Board as trustees of Reclamation District 830.  All three positions are up for re-appointment.  General Counsel Bob Henn was here to answer any legal questions the Board may have.  Mr. Henn stated the Board will nominate three trustees to the RD 830 Board; two for a 4-year term and one for a 2-year term due to the recent staff resignations.  The ISD Board is not eligible to serve on the Reclamation District Board.  District Counsel recently completed an update of the incompatible offices doctrine.  It does permit the appointment of staff up to and including the General Manager and allows ISD attorneys to serve.  

Ms. Morgan asked that to the extent we nominate three people, can we replace a trustee.  Mr. Henn stated the individual would need to resign from office.  There is a process to recall a trustee, but the process is doable but is cumbersome.

Director Painter stated that he has attended the RD 830 meetings with the past two Boards.  The district factually works with the Engineers and his recommendation would be to reappoint the current Board. 

Director Morgan stated she would like to have the ISD General Manager on the Board.  She recommended nominating the GM in the place of Michael Welty. 

Director Lauritzen stated the current trustees do a good job.  He struggles with the demographics.  He attends the RD830 meeting as a citizen.  Historically, as he recalls, RD 830 consisted of Ted Halsey, President, Jim Clay, accountant and Rocky Rockwell, their attorney as the Board of trustees and the District had two employees.  His recommendation for appointees is Dave Dal Porto – 4-year term, Chad Davisson – 4-year term and Bob Henn - to a 2-year term. 

Director Scheer stated he is fine with the recommendation Director Lauritzen made.

Director Morgan stated her concern to put counsel on the Board.  She recommends Mr. Davisson, Mr. Dal Porto and Ms. Skrel. 

M/S S. Morgan and M. Painter motioned to appoint Dave Dal Porto – for a 4-year term, Chad Davison –a 4-year term and Jenny Skrel –a 2-year term to the Reclamation District Board of Trustees.  A roll call vote was taken.

In favor: S. Morgan, M. Painter.  Opposed: D. Contreras, C. Lauritzen, D. Scheer.  Absent: None. Motion failed.


M/S C. Lauritzen, M. Painter motioned to appoint Dave Dal Porto – for a 4-year term, Chad Davison –a 4-year term and Michael Welty –a 2-year term to the Reclamation District Board of Trustees.  A roll call vote was taken.

In favor: D. Contreras, C. Lauritzen, M. Painter and D. Scheer.  Opposed: S. Morgan.  Absent: None. Motion passed.


At 7:50 p.m., Director Lauritzen left the meeting via telephone conference call.



Mr. Davisson stated that The City of Brentwood solicited Ironhouse to obtain the services of Jenny Skrel, ISD District Engineer, to help review the design or the expansion of Brentwood’s treatment plant.  Mr. Davisson explained that the services would be billed at $131/hr. with her time not to exceed 191 hours for a contract maximum of $25,000.  Staff’s recommendation is to approve the Engineering Design Review Services Agreement and to direct the General Manager working with District Counsel to finalize the terms of the agreement authorizing the District’s President to execute the Agreement.

Director Morgan asked about the availability of Ms. Skrel for ISD needed engineering obligations.  Mr. Davisson stated that Ms. Skrel would have ISD’s work as a priority.

M/S D. Scheer, M. Painter and the Board voted to approve the Engineering Design Review Services agreement with the City of Brentwood for Engineering Design Review Services.  Direct the General Manger to work with District Counsel to seek and to resolve the terms of the agreement and authorize the President to sign the agreement.

In favor: D. Contreras, S. Morgan, M. Painter and D. Scheer.  Opposed: None.  Absent: C. Lauritzen.



Mr. Davisson reported that the District has had incidents where service connection fees were paid by credit card.  These charges have incurred a cost to the District ranging from 2-4% depending on the Credit card type and transaction amount ISD management believes the District should not absorb the cost of the processing credit cards.  The recommendation is to adopt the Credit Card Sales Surcharge Policy, which allows the District to charge a 3% processing fee for all credit card charges over $250. 

Director Scheer would like to ask District Counsel to carefully review. 

Discussion was held on the process. The Board was unwilling to see the District pay a credit card fee.  Staff was asked to review the policy and bring it back to the Board at the October meeting. 



Mr. Davisson explained the current boom truck is a 1989 model and has exceeded its service life.  The continued use of this vehicle creates safety issues and risk of injury to staff.  The replacement of this vehicle was included in the adopted FY 15-16 budget in an amount of $160,000 as a capital expenditure.  The District acquired two bids, one from Downtown Ford at $158,210.19 and the other from National Auto Fleet Group at $158,169.87.

Director Contreras asked what would happen to the old vehicle and staff stated it would be sent to auction.

M/S M. Painter, D. Contreras and the Board voted to approve the purchase of an F-550 boom truck through CMAS to National Auto Fleet Group not to Exceed $160,000.

In favor: D. Contreras, S. Morgan, M. Painter and D. Scheer.  Opposed: None.  Absent: C. Lauritzen.



Mr. Davisson reviewed the assessment status report with the Board.  Item 10, conduct a study to determine the feasibility, desirability and economic benefits of selling Jersey Island water rights was discussed.  Mr. Davisson reported that MBK Engineer have been contacted by representative of Contra Costa Water District with interest in our water rights.  Mr. Davisson recommended having a more formal discussion and would like to set up a workshop of the Board within the next 30 days. 

The Board accepted the Assessment Status Report from the General Manager.




Mr. Davisson reported that DWR is requesting to store during the removal of the West False River Salinity Barrier, a trailer, generator and porta potty on top of the Jersey Island levee.  Staff is recommending the Board grant a modification of the work plan under Sec. 1.c of the Lease Agreement between DWR and ISD and allow storage of a trailer, generator and porta potty on top of the levee. 


M/S D. Scheer, D. Contreras and the Board voted unanimously to grant a modification of the work plan under Sec. 1.c of the Lease Agreement between DWR, ISD and RD 830 to allow DWR storage of a trailer, generator and porta potty on top of the Jersey Island levee on the following conditions:

  • DWR will immediately remove the facilities in the event an emergency occurs and full access of the levee is needed.
  • DWR will locate the facilities to maintain access for ISD/RD830 equipment to pass along the top of the levee.
  • If storage of any other facilities or materials, not previously approved by ISD, occurs, this exception will be null and void and DWR shall remove the trailer, generator and porta potty within 5 days of notification.
  • The trailer and other facilities shall not cover up or obstruct survey monuments or inclinometers.
  • DWR will remove the trailer, generator and porta potty no later than 10 days after DWR completes its removal of the Barrier.
  • This modification and its conditions will be part of the work plan referred to in Sec.1.c of the Lease Agreement and will not become effective until DWR signs the modification.

In favor: D. Contreras, S. Morgan, M. Painter and D. Scheer.  Opposed: None.  Absent: C. Lauritzen.



Mr. Davisson reported to the Board that the cattle are eroding the bank between the 24-inch effluent pipeline and the main canal on Jersey Island.  Fencing north of the Ferry Road has been installed to eliminate the eroding and fencing south of the Ferry Road is needed.  Prior to installing the fencing ISD staff will install pipe and troughs to convey drinking water to the cattle.  The project would include 3,020ft of fencing, four sets of gates, and three troughs with concrete pads will be installed.  The eroded soil will be filled and compacted for future protection of the pipeline.

M/S M. Painter, D. Scheer and the Board voted unanimously to authorize up to $30,000 for fencing, troughs, and piping to protect ISD’s 24-inch effluent pipeline and provide authorization to the General Manager to sign a contract with the lowest responsible responsive bidder for the fencing.

In favor: D. Contreras, S. Morgan, M. Painter and D. Scheer.  Opposed: None.  Absent: C. Lauritzen.


10.     STAFF REPORTS                                                

Bob Henn – Mr. Henn reported that he has been actively working with the RD 830 election and the contract with Brentwood on Engineering Services.  He also recommended that RD 830/ISD hire a water rights specialist attorney to review the water rights options that does not represent a conflict and are available to make recommendations. 


Mr. Davisson reported that the staff reports were provided in the Board packet



Written reports submitted.


Director Morgan – Ms. Morgan reported that she attended the CASA Conference.  The CSRMA part of the conference was very interesting.  She reported the industry is going in a new direction to re-brand wastewater.  Ms. Morgan reported on the assessment vote for B.I. with the vote passing for repairs to the levees.


Director Contreras -Mr. Contreras reported on the CASA conference and stated our District is right there with the conference being on the cutting edge.  It was a great conference.  They presented a great film “Eyes on the Sky” which he has asked to have available on our website.

CSRMA reported no significant increases in rates, with a 6% increase reported for workers compensation.

President Contreras thanked everyone who attended the anniversary event.  He was pleased the Vice President of CWEA was able to attend and was a great speaker for the event.  He stated CWEA is a great organization and has hosted tours of our plant.  These are great measuring sticks for the public to see.  He thanked the Board for letting him attend the CASA  conference.


Director Painter –Mr. Painter reported on Jersey Island, with the demolition of the Halsey house.  The island is very active receiving between 180-200 loads of dirt.  Mr. Painter thanked Roni, Sue and all staff for their help at the anniversary event.


Chad Davisson – Mr. Davisson thanked Roni for a job well done organizing the Anniversary Event.  The participation of all staff, involvement with Jersey Island staff to provide the hay and the equipment for the tours, and the WRF staff for giving the tours.  He thanked the City of Oakley and a thank you to all the consultants for their sponsorships.


12.     Future Agenda Items for Consideration



President Contreras adjourned the regular meeting at 8:45 p.m. until Tuesday, October 6, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. for the next regular meeting in the Ironhouse Sanitary District offices at 450 Walnut Meadows Drive, Oakley, California.

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