Thursday, March 8, 2012

ISD Board Meeting January 3, 2012 Minutes


January 3, 2012

The Ironhouse Sanitary District (ISD) Board of Directors met in regular session on Tuesday, January 3, 2012.

The place of meeting was the Ironhouse Sanitary District office at 450 Walnut Meadows Drive, Oakley, California.

1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by President Michael Painter at 7:03 p.m.

2. Roll Call
Directors present: David Contreras, Doug Hardcastle, David Huerta, C. Lauritzen and Michael Painter

Directors absent: none

Staff/Consultants present: Tom Williams, General Manager
Jenny Skrel, District Engineer
Susan Walde, District Secretary
Michael Welty, Utonomy, Inc.
Bob Henn, District Counsel

Interested Parties: None

3. Approval of the Agenda
M/S D. Huerta, D. Contreras and the Board voted to approve the agenda.

4. Approval of the Minutes of the December 6, 2011 Regular Meeting

M/S D. Contreras, C. Lauritzen and the Board voted to approve the minutes of the December 6, 2011 regular meeting of the Board.

5. Public Comments – Communications from the public on subjects not on the agenda.
There were no comments from the public.


A. Approval of Payment Order, Income/Expense Statement & Bank Balances.
Staff Report – M. Welty
Mr. Welty reported to the Board on the purchase of question at the last meeting. The purchase was for a RC72 rotary mower w/front wheel kit for use on J.I.
He also reported that the current accounting system cannot accommodate a memo column, but he reported that this could be provided easily through QuickBooks.

M/S C. Lauritzen, D. Hardcastle and the Board voted unanimously to approve the consent calendar.



President Painter reviewed with the Board the ISD Board By-Laws Item 4.4 Annual Organizational Meeting. After review of the by-laws, President Painter called for nominations to elect a President and Vice President. Director Painter nominated Doug Hardcastle for President. Director Hardcastle nominated Chris Lauritzen for Vice Chairman. Hearing no other nominations, the nominations were closed.
The President called for a secret ballot vote, and the result of the voting was, Doug Hardcastle was voted to the position of President and Chris Lauritzen was voted to the position of Vice President.
Director Painter surrendered his gavel and position of President to Director Hardcastle.


Director Painter addressed the Board with the idea of developing a scholarship fund for graduating students of ISD employees. The concept of each director contributing a nominal amount and a committee to be appointed to review the application process. It was proposed that each director contribute $100 a year of their own funds to the scholarship fund. After much discussion on the possible form and structure of a scholarship program, Directors Painter and Huerta volunteered to form an ad hoc committee to review other scholarship programs and get back to the Board with their findings and recommendations.


Mr. Williams spoke to the Board regarding our local membership in the Contra Costa Chapter of the Special District Association (CCSDA) and the benefits of being a member of the state organization of California Special Districts Association (CSDA). The benefits to the District extend to Board and staff in training and classes and support of regulatory issues. Director Contreras stated he is very supportive of submitting membership and his past experience has been very positive with CSDA. Director Huerta stated he is in favor of obtaining membership in this State regulated organization.
M/S D. Huerta, D. Contreras and the Board voted to approve Ironhouse Sanitary District becoming a member the California Special Districts Association in an amount not to exceed $4,581.00 and authorize the general manager to submit the membership application. (B.O. 12-02)


Mr. Williams presented to the Board a proposal on the Marsh Creek Delta Restoration Project which included an updated budget as of 12/2011. The project is being proposed by RD830, which has applied for a State grant through the Department of Water Resources (DWR) Delta Levees Program to fully fund the approximately $9,000,000 project. RD 830’s proposal is to utilize approximately 100 acres of land owned by ISD adjacent to Marsh Creek to implement up to 90 acres of habitat restoration. The key component of the project is to excavate approximately 600,000 cubic yards (cyds) of fill material (dirt) from the ISD property on the west side of Marsh Creek and transport it to the east side of Marsh Creek to advance the Dutch Slough Tidal Marsh Restoration Project. In addition to the approximate 90 acres of restoration habitat Mr. Williams said the project would create on the ISD property, Mr. Williams indicated the project would also create between 100 and 200 acres of additional shallow water/tidal marsh habitat on the adjacent Dutch Slough site. Mr. Williams indicated another key component of the proposal is the purchase of the 600,000 cyds of ISD fill material, which as currently proposed would bring in approximately $2,500,000 for ISD. In the end, Mr. Williams indicated ISD would continue to own the 100 acres where the fill material will be excavated, and that the project will benefit the DWR Delta Levees Program, the environment, the ISD rate payer, and the community via additional preserved habitat as well as outdoor educational opportunities.
Mr. Williams indicated the idea for this project emerged in approximately 2005 in coordination with John Cain (then from the Natural Heritage Institute, now with American Rivers) and the Department of Water Resources. Both the Department of Water Resources and John Cain strongly supported ISD when ISD went for its NPDES permit hearing at the Regional Water Quality Control Board in Sacramento in April 2008. Mr. Williams said he believed ISD’s success in receiving its NPDES permit that day in 2008 was in equal part due to the support of DWR and John Cain, and that they supported ISD’s Water Recycling Facility project because they understood without an NPDES permit, ISD would not be able to consider providing the 600,000 cyds of fill material necessary to enhance the Dutch Slough project and the DWR levees program. Mr. Williams indicated if the proposed RD 830 grant and project is successful, ISD will be able to assist the Dutch Slough Project and Delta Levees Program, like DWR and John Cain assisted ISD in permitting its Water Recycling Facility project.
Mr. Williams indicated the RD 830 project is still a long way from success, and a lot of work and details still need to be hammered out but, he felt the grant application was getting to a point where it may soon be approved by DWR. Should DWR finalize the grant soon, RD 830 will need to shortly thereafter come to ISD to negotiate the necessary access, fill purchase and short and long term maintenance agreements. It was because of the RD 830 progress on DWR grant, and because of the recent addition of ISD Board member David Contreras (who had not yet formally heard about the proposed project), that Mr. Williams felt the time was right to discuss the latest details of the project with the ISD Board.
Mr. Williams asked for support of the Board going forward with the project. After much discussion the Board asked Mr. Williams to continue forward with the project and report back to the Board in the near future as to progress of the RD 830 grant.

8. Staff Reports

Bob Henn – Mr. Henn had no further report at this time.

Jenny Skrel – Ms. Skrel reported that the electrical power is complete by PG&E and has been supplied to the caregiver site on Jersey Island. Staff is waiting for the mobile housing to arrive for further electrical set-up. Ms. Skrel continued to report that she and the Operation’s staff are working with Western Water to complete the punch list on the new water recycling plant.
The annexation process for the three parcels along Bridgehead Road is moving forward and will be included on the agenda of LAFCO this coming month. She also reported that the testing for the quality of the effluent water is better than what was anticipated in the NPDES permit process.
Ms Skrel reported that she and Mr. Williams are working with Roni Gehlke from R&G Promotions on the CASA presentation and it is in the process of being finalized for presentation at the conference in Desert Springs on January 19, 2012.

Tom Williams - Mr. Williams reported on Reclamation District 830-Jersey Island, and how they have almost received approval of a $6 million grant from DWR, for RD 830 to serve as the lead agency for the bulk purchase of mitigation credits (in partnership with Westervelt Ecological Services).
He reported he attended a fund raiser for Mary Piepho. At that event he met a solar contractor, Jamie Duran of Solar Harmonics, who came and met with him and Jenny Skrel and toured our facility. He is working with staff on a preliminary layout for solar panels and implementing an alternative energy project for our facility to help reduce electrical costs for the new facility.
Mr. Williams reported he attended, along with Chris Lauritzen, the Antioch Rotary Club and gave a presentation on our new water recycling facility.

President Hardcastle thanked Mrs. Walde for her work in helping ISD have such a successful Christmas party.

9. Board Member Advisory Reports

Director Contreras –Director Contreras reported on behalf of the Public Outreach Committee. They will be meeting on Thursday, January 5. He also reported he attended the LAFCO meeting and received updates.

Director Lauritzen – Director Lauritzen reported he attended along with Director Huerta, the Delta Protection Commission meeting in Stockton on Thursday 12/8. Mr. Phil Isenberg, head of the Delta Stewardship Council addressed the meeting regarding the Delta Plan.

President Painter – President Painter reported on the Delta Science Center – Director Painter issued a calendar to each Board member from the Delta Science Center. They are issuing calendars to all schools and extending their outreach to include the areas of Rio Vista and Walnut Grove. DSC is issuing 7,500 calendars this year, up from 5,000 calendars issued in 2011.

Director Hardcastle – Director Hardcastle reported he attended the City Council meeting and attended the swearing in of the new Mayor and Vice Mayor of Oakley; Mayor, Kevin Romick and Vice Mayor, Carol Rios.

10. Adjournment

President Hardcastle adjourned the regular meeting at 9:28 p.m. until Tuesday, February 7, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. for the next regular meeting in the Ironhouse Sanitary District offices at 450 Walnut Meadows Drive, Oakley, California.

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