Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Minutes of the ISD April 5, 2016 Board Meeting





April 5, 2016


The Board of Directors of the Ironhouse Sanitary District (ISD) met in regular session on Tuesday, April 5, 2016, in the Board meeting room at ISD’s offices at 450 Walnut Meadows Drive, Oakley, California.


1.       Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by President Doug Scheer at 7:05 p.m.


Mr. Davisson led the pledge of allegiance.


          Roll Call

            Directors present:                    David Contreras, Chris Lauritzen, Susan Morgan, Michael Painter and Doug Scheer

            Members absent:                     None

            Staff/Consultants Present:

                                                            Chad Davisson, General Manager

                                                            Susan Walde, District Secretary

                                                            Michael Welty, Financial Officer

                                                            Dave Smith, Maintenance Superintendent

                                                            Louis Solana, Maintenance Supervisor

                                                            Michael Fuller, Equipment Mechanic

                                                            Dave Dal Porto, Ranch, Reclamation & Levee Supervisor

                                                            Chris Christean, Plant Manager

            Interested Parties:                   Vanessa Perry, City of Oakley

                                                            Kevin Rohani, Engineer, City of Oakley

                                                            Randy Mager, DWR

                                                            Roni Gehlke, Outreach Consultant


          Staff Recognition  

Employee Service Award– Michael Fuller- 5 years

Mr. Fuller has been a vehicle and equipment mechanic for the District for 5 years.

Employee Service Award – David Dal Porto – 15 years   

Mr. Dal Porto has been the Superintendent of Jersey Island overseeing the Cattle Operation and Levee Management.

President Scheer on behalf of the Board presented both with their service awards and thanked them for their service to the District.



2.       APPROVAL OF AGENDA                                                      

M/S D. Contreras, C. Lauritzen and the Board voted to approve the agenda. 

In favor: D. Contreras, C. Lauritzen, S. Morgan, M. Painter and D. Scheer.  Opposed: None.  Absent none.


3.         APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES of the March 1, 2016 Regular Meeting, March 2, 2016 Board Workshop and the March 15, 2016 Special Meeting.


M/S C. Lauritzen, M. Painter and the Board voted to approve the minutes of the March 1, 2016 regular meeting, the minutes of the March 2, 2016 special workshop and the March 15, 2016 special meeting of the Board with amendments given to the District Secretary. 

In favor: C. Lauritzen, M. Painter, Contreras, C. Lauritzen, S. Morgan, M. Painter and D. Scheer.  Opposed: None.  Absent: None.


4.       PUBLIC COMMENTS.  Communications from the public on subjects not on the agenda. 

There were no comments from the public in attendance.




          5A.      Approval of Payment Order, Report on Financial Position & Operating Performance.

M/S C. Lauritzen, M. Painter, and the Board voted to approve the Consent Calendar. 

In favor: D. Contreras, C. Lauritzen, S. Morgan, M. Painter and D. Scheer.  Opposed: None.  Absent: None.


6.       BUSINESS BEFORE THE BOARD                                              



Mr. Davisson reviewed that ISD contracted with Total Compensation Systems, Inc. (TCS) to prepare an actuarial study of retiree liabilities as of July 1, 2015 to comply with GASB 45 and reporting requirements of CalPERS Ca Employers’ Retirement Benefit Trust (CERBT) requiring an Actuarial valuation as of July 1, 2015.  Mr. Welty has been working with Mr. Kischuk of Total Compensation Systems, Inc. to perform the valuation and introduced Geoff Kischuk via a conference call to review the valuation with the Board.  Mr. Kischuk gave a thorough and detailed overview of the Actuarial Study prepared for ISD dated March 29, 2016.  Mr. Kischuk reported that the costs of liability are higher and interest on investment is lower, at 7.25%.  CalPERS issued new demographic tables and the most recent shows the mortality table has increased.  The district has more retirees, several of which are previous Board members or their relatives, which impacts the ongoing costs related to retiree medical healthcare.

Director Contreras asked about the CalPERS investment rate.  Mr. Kischuk stated it is assumed at 7.28%.  Their strategic funding is assuming 7% and the .28% to cover administrative costs.  Discussion was held on what the trends are in the industry and future impact on the District.  Staff recommended accepting the report.

M/S D. Contreras, C. Lauritzen and the Board voted to accept the Actuarial Study from Total Compensation Systems, Inc.

In favor: D. Contreras, C. Lauritzen, S. Morgan, M. Painter and D. Scheer.  Opposed: None.  Absent: None.



Mr. Davisson stated at the workshop the Board held on November 17, 2015, the Board asked staff to provide periodic reports on the Marsh Creek Restoration project and potential of alternative uses for the property.  Mr. Davisson reported that he was in contact representatives from Denova Homes who developed the Emerson and Gilbert property.  Based on very preliminary analysis, estimates for the potential value of the District’s property described in the Marsh Creek Restoration Project area is a broad range of $50 – 80,000 per acre.  Adjacent property in the Emerson and Gilbert development areas was valued at approximately $100,000 per acre with full entitlements.  There are many factors to consider, including an environmental impact review, soils testing, etc. to determine the development potential of the land prior to additional discussion with a developer.  In January, the District received notice from the EPA that the proposed Marsh Creek project would be compliant with the grant.  In working with DWR, the District needs to make a decision to determine if further efforts are to be made for consideration of alternative projects for the property, and provide a clear position to DWR by the end of the current fiscal year. 

Randy Mager of DWR was available for discussion on the project with the Board.  He stated the information from EPA is viable information for the project.  Director Morgan stated the timing of the project has slipped.  Mr. Mager stated the Dutch Slough project was able to get clearance and in 2017 they could be moving forward with the dirt removal project.

M/S D. Contreras, S. Morgan and the Board voted to accept the report on the Marsh Creek Delta Habitat Project.

In favor: D. Contreras, C. Lauritzen, S. Morgan, M. Painter and D. Scheer.  Opposed: None.  Absent: None.



At 7:40 p.m., Vivian Housen joined the meeting via conference call. 

Mr. Davisson reported this item is being brought back to the Board for consideration and presented the revised report and laid out the three alternatives, 1) Do Nothing; 2) Partial Rehabilitation for a total estimated cost of $77,000; 3) Full Pipe and Lateral Replacement for a total estimated cost of $460,609.

The Maintenance Superintendent (Smith) stated that this pipeline requires cleaning on a frequency of 6 week intervals.  In February, the District was notified by the City of Oakley that they were planning to bid out an extensive downtown street improvement project on Main Street.  Upon completion of the project, the City communicated that they intend to impose a 10-year non-emergency street cut moratorium within the downtown area. 

At 7:53 p.m., Directors Scheer and Painter recused themselves from the action of this item due to being property owners in the area of Main Street for the proposed work.

Kevin Rohani, Oakley City Engineer was in attendance.  Director Contreras asked for clarification from Mr. Rohani regarding the City’s municipal code authority specific to street cut moratorium duration.  Mr. Rohani stated that the City’s municipal code includes a 5-year moratorium, but due to the extensive improvements planned for Main Street, the City intends to impose a 10-year moratorium policy.  There was discussion about other utilities being improved as well as the City’s work to construct stormdrain infrastructure within the project area.  Although Mr. Rohani suggested that the City planned to enforce a 10-year moratorium, he did confirm that this requirement was not included within the City’s Municipal Code.  Mr. Rohani went on to discuss that the driver for this project was to attract business development and that the City is anticipating commercial infusion in the downtown area. 

Director Contreras asked Ms. Housen about the current end of the system, asked for clarification about whether the District is experiencing any capacity issues on this pipeline at its current size.  Ms. Housen stated it starts at Norcross and there are no capacity issues with the 6” line.  Ms. Housen also stated that a 6-inch diameter pipeline would not likely experience capacity related problems, even with future development, the Board should be aware that it is no longer the standard as it is difficult to clean.  Additionally, Housen reiterated that the existing laterals in the area are 4-inch.  Future developments may be required to upgrade the lateral size to 6-inch based on their sewer discharge needs.  In this situation, the existing pipe size may be problematic because it is not standard to connect a 6-inch lateral to a 6-inch mainline.  The Board members considered this and communicated that at this time the City is unsure of what the future development will be and what infrastructure improvements will be necessary.  There was consensus that future development will be required to bear the expense of any required improvements.

Director Contreras also asked if the three laterals from the south could be connected to the north side and could they be laid out and a change made in elevation.  Ms. Housen said she couldn’t answer that without knowing the elevation of the other utilities at that location.

Ms. Housen had to leave the meeting via telephone conference.

Director Lauritzen stated that this sewer system pipeline was installed back in 1947 and his opinion was that it should be a complete replacement not just a band-aid. 

Staff confirmed that this pipeline has never been included in a capital improvement plan, replacement schedule or budget, although it has required high-frequency cleaning for at least the last 20-years. 

M/S S. Morgan, D. Contreras motioned to authorize staff to proceed with Alternative 2 for the north pipeline, and repair of the south pipeline, and authorize the General Manager to finalize and execute a Reimbursement Agreement related to Capital Improvement Project No. 165 with the City of Oakley, for an estimated amount of $70,800.  In addition, approve $6,200 for District costs for soils testing and construction inspection, as required by the City, for a total project cost ceiling of $77,000.

In favor: D. Contreras, and S. Morgan.  Opposed: C. Lauritzen.  Absent: None.  Recused: M. Painter and D. Scheer.


At 8:25 p.m., Directors M. Painter and D. Scheer joined the meeting.



Mr. Davisson reviewed that on March 2, 2016 at the Board workshop for Phase I of the Jersey Island an analysis approach was given.  At the meeting, direction was given to staff to proceed with Phase II of the Jersey Island Plan.  Staff are working to establish a more direct connection between Jersey Island and treat and dispose, and are reviewing the options that have been summarized for the Board. 

Mr. Dal Porto reported that a more efficient way for hay production is to eliminate production of small hay bales and is immediately implementing this  Staff will put the hay up in large bales only, which will save staff and equipment costs.  Consideration of changes to staffing level is being reviewed.

Staff are looking into Biosolids processing and disposal on Jersey Island as a potential for cost savings to the District. 

Director Lauritzen applauds Mr. Dal Porto and staff for all the hard work on this project.   He asked what would be the feed costs if we did not farm our own hay.  Mr. Dal Porto stated that it varies by year.  Last year it would have been a savings but not two years ago.  The feed costs vary each year.  The cattle farmers with their own feed resources are the ones that have survived.  Mr. Davisson redirected the conversation and reiterated that proper analysis was required in order to provide reliable information to the Board.

Discussion was held on the potential of biosolids disposal options and diversification.  Mr. Davisson assured the Board that he is pursuing options through his CASA contacts.

Mr. Davisson reported he will have a status update at the May meeting regarding staffing, recreation and changes to the hay production options, and will have a report for the Board.

Director Painter suggested staff talk to the East Bay Regional Parks Department in regards to recreational options.

M/S D. Contreras, M. Painter and the Board voted to accept the report on the proposed Jersey Island Phase II criteria and direct staff to proceed with the Jersey Island Phase II Analysis Plan as approved by the Board.

In favor: D. Contreras, C. Lauritzen, S. Morgan, M. Painter and D. Scheer.  Opposed: None.  Absent: None.


7.       GENERAL MANAGER AND STAFF REPORT                                                  

Staff reports were provided in the Board packet. 

Mr. Davisson reported on an incident at the WRF plant on March 31, at 2:00 p.m.  It was a serious incident and could have been a tragic incident.  Response needs to be as though it could have been a worse case scenario.  He reported that secure covers have been made and a life ring has been secured with safety ropes, and ladders are in the process of being mounted.  CSRMA will send out a safety representative to evaluate any other safety issues there may be at the facility.  Mr. Davisson will continue to do an investigation.  He reported the safety officer has been out and he will continue to work with him on this issue.

Mr. Davisson thanked Louis Solana and Leon Laucirica for their immediate response and work well done to secure the grates.

Mr. Davisson reported on the new John Deer tractor that it has been received at Jersey Island and waiting for the grant process to complete.

Director Contreras asked about the restoration management replacement of toys reported in the GM staff report.  Mr. Davisson reported that staff were cleaning a line on Main Street and 2 weeks later, the owner reported sewage in the basement.  Staff had restoration management come in to clean and replace damaged items.  Back flow preventers were put on the laterals for future prevention.  Director Contreras stated that backflow preventers on private laterals reduce risk to the District and should be a standard requirement.

He reported staff received a settlement from PG&E for the Bridgehead and Main Street project.  



Written reports submitted.


Director Morgan – Ms. Morgan reported that she attended a Strategic Planning meeting on April 19, 2016 at 6:30 at Freedom high School to engage in Oakley.

She reported that Mr. Davisson attended the last City council meeting and asked the City to evaluate an option to included recycled water in the Main Street improvement project.


Director Contreras – Director Contreras reported he and Mr. Davisson are scheduled to attend the CASA Water ReUse Public Forum tomorrow.  He attended the BIMAC meeting and the Delta Coves project is moving forward.


David Smith stated the new safety trailer is complete and welcomed the Board to take a tour to review the completed safety trailer.



9.       Future Agenda Items for Consideration

There were no future agenda items discussed. 



President Scheer adjourned the regular meeting at 9:12 p.m. until Tuesday, May 3, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. for the next regular meeting in the Ironhouse Sanitary District offices at 450 Walnut Meadows Drive, Oakley, California.

















APPROVED                                                                       ____________________________           

                                   President                                                          District Secretary



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